Kartini was born on 21 April 1879, and next we celebrate that day as Kartini Day to honor the render of Kartini on women movement in Indonesia. To celebrate it, the competition and activity is hold to commemorate her. Ironically, those activities usually stressed on gender role that is given to the women, like competition of cooking, floral arrangement, and choir. In fact it reduces the value of Kartini’s spirit.

Actually, there are lots of women patriots in Indonesia, such us Cut Nyak Dien, Cut Meutia, Dewi Sartika, Christina Marthatiahahu, Nyi Ageng Serang, Roehana Kudus, Maria Walanda Maramis, etc. But, Kartini is the famous, like the lyrics of Ibu Kita Kartini’s song by W.R. Supratman.

Although Kartini is the patriot of women emancipation in Indonesia but there are controversy about Kartini. For example, the opinion if Kartini too Java-centrist and couldn’t represent women movement in outside of Java