from my assignment for Gender politics, civil society and human rights

Susan Moller Okin in this article discusses the dichotomy of public and private (hereinafter she refers the dichotomy as public and domestic) through gender lens. As well as many feminist, she also criticize the separation of the public and the private, not only in many political theories in the past but also in most of contemporary political theorist, that ignoring the family (family is non political) also the false gender neutrality (using gender neutral term without real awareness of gender). Overlooking political thought of family and the use of gender ‘neutral’ language have been influence in strengthening the dichotomy of the public and the private and neglecting the issue of gender. She argued that public and domestic sphere can not be separately interpreted, and gender plays crucial significance for the political theory and also in understanding those two spheres, also the need of revision in liberal theory related with the public and the domestic, which is still remain as the basis of political theory today. On this article, she also discussed the value of privacy and questioning it regarding the legal equality of women and child rights. She concludes with the importance of women having equal opportunities as well as men in the public sphere or for benefiting from the advantages that privacy has to offer.